MINOR PAN Full Name as per AadharLast Name / SurnameMiddle NameFirst Nameprinted on the PAN cardFather's Last NameFirst NameMiddle NameDOB DD slash MM slash YYYY Telephone Number & Email ID detailsTelephone / Mobile noEmail idAddress communicationName as per AadharAADHAAR NumberProof of IdentityAADHAAR Card issued by the Unique Identification Authority of IndiaProof of AddressAADHAAR Card issued by the Unique Identification Authority of IndiaProof of date of birthAADHAAR Card issued by the Unique Identification Authority of IndiaAssessing officer (AO code)Area codeAO typeRange codeAO No.StateCityGender Male Female Transgender PlaceCountry codeFlat/Room/Door/Block NoName of permission/building/VillageRoad/Street/Lane/Post OfficeArea/Locality/Taluka/Sub-DivisionTown/City/DistrictPIN CodeStateCountrySource of IncomeNo incomeIncome from other sourceDOB ConfirmationDateMonthYearPlease select title Shri Smt Kumari M/S Representative Assessee (RA)Title Shri Smt. Kumari M/s Last Name / SurnameFirst NameMiddle NameAddressFlat/Room/Door/Block NoName of permission/building/VillageRoad/Street/Lane/Post OfficeArea/Locality/Taluka/Sub-DivisionTown/City/DistrictStatePIN CodeAadhaar frontMax. file size: 2 MB.Aadhaar backMax. file size: 2 MB.photoMax. file size: 2 MB.SignatureMax. file size: 2 MB.RA Aadhaar frontMax. file size: 2 MB.RA Aadhaar BackMax. file size: 2 MB.Declare ByHimselfHerself